


整形外科医生 Dr. Sieffert has quickly earned a reputation for natural results and hidden incisions that are often very difficult to find. 你可能是一个很好的候选人 整容手术 if you have lost skin elasticity and muscle tone of the face/neck, deep creases have developed between the nose and corners of the mouth, or if you feel facial and neck wrinkles are making you look tired. 


Much of the current discussion around 整容手术 is about tightening skin, 同时恢复面颊的丰满, 嘴唇和眼睑. 年轻的脸有柔和的曲线和活力, full features; in contrast, 上了年纪的脸就瘪了, 严厉的, 和挖空. Dr. 西弗特接受过最新的SMAS培训, volumetric and 脂肪转移 techniques that convey a more rested and youthful appearance without looking tight or “over-done.”


根据我们的经验, patients have had immensely great results with their facelifts and consider this surgical procedure 100% worth it! 整容s are an intense, yet incredibly rewarding surgical procedure. There are a number of considerations to make before embarking on this journey including: downtime, 不舒服, 宽容, 和费用. 当你恢复的时候, we will provide you with everything you need to heal properly but you could have trouble doing some basic movements (like opening your mouth) for a few days. 这需要一点韧性!

The total cost of a facelift (including OR costs and anesthesia fees) ranges from $12,000 – $14,000 depending on the depth of your procedure and a few additional factors. This cost will also include everything you need for post-operative care.


经常, the best solution for facial rejuvenation is a combination of modalities that appropriately addresses each area of your face. 这可能包括对你的下巴进行整容手术, 用肉毒杆菌澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网额头皱纹, 脂肪注射让你的脸颊更丰满, a filler such as Restylane or Juvéderm for your deep creases and laser to the wrinkles beside your eyes. Dr. 西弗特将帮助您充分了解风险, 好处, 每种方法的优点和缺点, then she will give you as much time as you need to make an informed decision.

The facelift is an outpatient operation that is usually performed under general anesthesia. While many surgeons make an obvious incision on the face in front of the ear, Dr. 西弗特小心翼翼地把她的切口放在头发里 内部 所以它们几乎完全隐藏在视线之外. The tissue beneath the skin is lifted into a more youthful position, 然后轻轻地重新覆盖面部皮肤,没有皱纹. Fat injections and surface treatments are performed last if necessary.



While some facelift patients do see some residual cosmetic improvements in the neck, the facelift does not directly correct skin laxity below the jawline. Our facelift patients often combine their facelift procedure with a 手术提颈 或reuvion (J Plasma)颈部皮肤收紧. 

其他 非手术皮肤收紧 方法包括 Ultherapy, 微针, 光晕激光表面修复, 宽频灯(BBL) 激光疗法. 


This is a more advanced surgical technique that involves making changes to the deeper layer of muscle and connective tissue (known as the SMAS) while also lifting, 隔声材料, 收紧下脸和脸颊的皮肤. This is our preferred method because it is more comprehensive and allows our board-certified surgeons to make more significant, 更持久的美容改变.



经过医生的整容手术. 西弗特,你整晚都要戴个轻薄的头巾. 她可能会在第二天在办公室把它拿掉, 然后让你继续使用一周. 以前给过止痛药, 手术中和手术后, and you will go home with a prescription so that you are always comfortable. Usually, all of the sutures are dissolvable under the skin so that no stitch removal is necessary. Bruising and swelling is often very mild; when present, it usually fades within a week or two. The final result of a facelift procedure is evident within 4 to 6 weeks, and improvements may continue for several months as the facial tissues readjust.

Your specific risks during facelift (rhytidectomy) can only be determined through a personal consultation, 但博士. 西弗特在避免并发症方面有着出色的记录.

Additional procedures that might enhance the result of a facelift are:

A facelift is considered cosmetic and therefore is not covered by insurance. Our office will show you various financing options and work with you to determine the best payment plan.


We generally consider a patient a strong candidate for 整容手术 if they:

  • 我不吸烟
  • 有没有适当的皮肤松弛
  • 整体健康状况良好吗
  • 有一个强壮的面部骨骼结构(如果没有,一个 脂肪转移 和/或 填料 可能是一个合适的选择)
  • have realistic expectations out the outcomes surgery can achieve
  •  do not have prior health conditions that may inhibit the healing process

There are no age restrictions when it comes to receiving a facelift. 然而, we do assess candidacy based on the level of skin laxity in relation to age and your skin’s overall condition.



Dr. 西弗特会仔细检查你脸上的每个区域, 从你的发际线和前额, 你的眉毛和眼睑, 对着你的鼻子, 脸颊, 嘴唇, 下巴和脖子. 每个区域将被独立考虑,然后作为一个整体. Your surgeon should be especially interested in the subtle blending of one aesthetic subunit into the next: Is there a sharp line between lower eyelid bags and your cheek that could be smoothed? Are there deep folds between your nose and the corners of your mouth that could be filled? Have your 脸颊 descended to your jawline such that they could now be lifted?

整容手术有很多种, ranging from quick sutures to full facial rejuvenation that includes upper, 中下拉皮. 一般来说,较短的手术产生的效果较短. Contour Threads are an example of less invasive technologies that created fleeting results, 它们已经停产了.


我们邀请您在 614-442-7610 安排你的私人会诊. 米歇尔Sieffert. 阅读更多 Dr. Sieffert的 整形外科专业.
