腹部除皱 Columbus, Ohio

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强调安全的腹部整形外科医生 & 结果

如果你被超重或明显的妊娠纹困扰, a lower abdominal bulge or “spare tire,” you may consider a 腹部除皱. 妇女通常在分娩后选择这种手术, 由于怀孕会使腹肌分离,皮肤拉伸. This procedure is especially popular among men 和 women who have lost considerable weight but still haven’t achieved a flat or defined result.

What Happens During the 腹部除皱 Procedure?

的 腹部除皱, also known as abdominoplasty, is designed to remove the sagging skin 和 excess tissue that contributes to an unshapely appearance. During an abdominoplasty, Drs. 唐纳森 和 Sieffert create a flatter, 通过修复腹部肌肉,使轮廓更年轻, removing fat 和 tightening the skin. “腰间赘肉”会随着曲线、沙漏型身材的形成而减少. Our two board-certified surgeons are highly regarded for their meticulous approach to abdominoplasty, 和 have refined their skills over many years.

Dr. 唐纳森 和 Dr. Sieffert spend extra time hiding the incisions, creating an attractive umbilical shape, curving the flanks 和 combining liposuction techniques as necessary to realize the best possible outcome. Patients typically rave about their natural, slim shape 和 their ability to wear tight jeans, dresses 和 even bikinis once again!

What Is A 腹部除皱?

An abdominoplasty, or 腹部除皱, is a surgical procedure that flattens the abdominal contour. 通常, 修复任何分离的腹直肌(六块腹肌), 肚脐和阴部之间的顽固脂肪被去除, the belly button is restored if necessary, stretch marks are improved 和 the skin is tightened. 这个过程是根据每个澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台的解剖结构和目标量身定制的, but overall it results in a thinner, sleeker figure with enhanced curves at the sides.

As a relatively low-risk operation, the 腹部除皱 procedure allows individuals to contour their bodies in ways that diet 和 exercise often do not. If you are frustrated when you look in the mirror because your hard work does not seem to make your belly any better, then a 腹部除皱 may be the best solution. 额外的 腹部除皱 surgery details can be found here


Are You A 腹部除皱 Surgery C和idate?

Pregnancy is the number one reason cited for abdominoplasty because it changes the abdominal contour in predictable ways by thinning the connection between the abdominal muscles, 以脂肪的形式增加婴儿体重不会消失, 和 causing permanent stretch marks 和 chronic back pain. A 腹部除皱 provides the only way to correct all of these physical changes at the same time. 如果你怀孕过一次或多次,不喜欢自己的体型, then a 腹部除皱 may be right for you.

通过饮食逐渐增加和/或减轻体重, 运动或减肥手术也会导致圆润和松弛, 挂皮肤. 如果这些是你的情况,那么腹部成形术也可能会改善它们.

During the consultation, Dr. 唐纳森 or Dr. Sieffert将帮助决定你是否适合做这个手术. Patients should be in good health 和 reasonably close (within 10-20 pounds) to their average normal weight. 你的体重越接近你的理想体重,你就越容易减肥. 唐纳森 or Dr. Sieffert to create the ideal results. Combining the abdominoplasty with liposuction at the same time may be of further benefit, 尤其是胸部下面和/或侧翼周围. 你的外科医生会在你就诊时和你讨论这个选择.

What Should I Expect During My Consult?

Your consultation is your opportunity to get answers to all your questions about the 腹部除皱 procedure, especially all of the knowledge that is unique to you 和 your individual circumstances that you cannot find online.

Throughout this time, 我们的团队将讨论这个澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网的细微差别, pre-planning considerations, proper aftercare, recovery timelines 和 any additional procedures or treatments that will help you reach your confidence goals. 这些澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台通常包括抽脂, breast augmentation, 乳房提升阴道整型的. This combination is often referred to as the 妈妈改造.

我们还将进行全面的身体检查, obtain important measurements 和 deliver 腹部除皱 before 和 after photos that best reflect what you can expect from your results. 你可以讨论你的病史,以确保最大限度的安全, pricing information, financing options 和 scheduling. 

YOU CAN GET A CLOSER LOOK AT 从这里的腹部除皱咨询中可以期待什么.
What Questions Should I Ask My Surgeon?
  • 康复需要多长时间,我可以预期到哪些阶段的进展?
  • When will I be able to return to work?
  • Are there financing options for this procedure?
  • Is it likely that I will need further surgery?
  • Are these results permanent?
  • 如果我体重增加或减少,或者怀孕了怎么办?
  • What are the most common risks or complications?
How Should I Prepare For My Procedure?

在你做腹部成形术前的几个月里, maintain a healthy lifestyle including exercise, a well-balanced diet, limited alcohol 和 no smoking. 吸烟会损害愈合过程并导致伤口问题, infection 和 poor scarring, 所以在手术前几周戒烟是很重要的. 停止服用“稀释血液”或增加出血的药物,如阿司匹林, 布洛芬和维生素E和鱼油等补充剂. Dr. 唐纳森的工作人员会提前提供一份禁用物质清单, so you can wean off of them in time for surgery.

Prepare Your Home & Office For Recovery

第一周站直会很困难, 所以把个人物品整理好并放在触手可及的地方是很有帮助的. Establish a comfortable environment for healing 和 recruit a friend or family member to help you. Your post-operative condition will make everyday tasks more difficult for the first few days, 因此,提前制定一个适当的计划将使你的恢复更容易.

Will I have 腹部除皱 Surgery Scars?

的re will always be a scar after surgery, 但它会很低——在公共线的顶端——而且会随着时间的推移而消失. 的 length is different for every patient but is generally from hip to hip on the front of the abdomen. If the belly was larger before surgery such that the skin folds extended onto the flanks, 然后疤痕也可能会缠绕到腹部(扩大腹部成形术)。.

If you have a well-healed c-section scar, Dr. 唐纳森 or Dr. Sieffert可以选择简单地在任意一侧扩展它. 如果剖腹产留下的疤痕很宽或形成了“台阶”畸形, then they will likely remove or revise it at the time of the 腹部除皱 to ensure the best possible results.

Approximately two weeks after surgery, the surgical glue begins to peel away, 现在是时候开始医学级别的疤痕澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网了. Dr. 唐纳森 or Dr. Sieffert 和 their staff will teach you how to massage scar gel or cream along the healing area twice daily, 和 they will help monitor your progress. 的 final appearance of the scar is often not established for several months to a year.

What Is 腹部除皱 Recovery Like? 

腹部除皱 surgery recovery usually requires at least a week to ten days away from work 和 other normal activities, 和 four to six weeks before resuming exercise. 的 first several days are the most difficult, 澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台在阅读和看电视时往往会放松下来. It is important to st和 up 和 take short walks throughout the day – even right after surgery – but otherwise, rest is required. Your belly will seem tight, so staying in a “bent-over” position while walking provides relief. 当你躺下的时候,你的头和脚应该放在枕头上. It is very helpful to have a friend or family member available for assistance during this period.

After a week goes by, most patients are st和ing fairly straight, the small drain is removed, 和 the discomfort has largely subsided. 许多正常活动可以恢复,包括体力劳动的减少. Dr. 唐纳森 recommends several homeopathic supplements to continue the healing process.



的 唐纳森 Plastic Surgery team has created several easy-to-follow video tutorials for your 腹部除皱 postoperative care: How To Walk, St和, 和 Sit After 腹部除皱

查看更多 video tutorials:

What Are 的 腹部除皱 Surgery Risks?

Every operation has associated risks; however, Drs. 唐纳森和Sieffert采取了许多措施来减少和避免它们. Bleeding 和 infection are prevented with meticulous surgical 和 sterile techniques, 以及明确的术后指导和抗生素. Fluid collections are minimized with the placement of a small drain that is removed after approximately one week. Deep venous thrombosis (DVT or blood clots) are significantly decreased through sub-cutaneous heparin 和 sequential compression devices (SCD’s) before 和 during surgery, 和 early ambulation after surgery. Thickened or widened scars are generally avoided by closing the incision at four separate levels 和 using dissolvable sutures during surgery, 同时在恢复过程中涂抹疤痕凝胶和轻柔按摩.

Cigarette smoking, 和 other forms of tobacco use, 显著增加伤口并发症和伤口分离的风险. 尼古丁会减少流向皮肤的血液,限制身体的自愈能力. 这会导致皮肤脱落、瘢痕和脂肪坏死.


  • Anesthesia reactions
  • 不对称
  • Possibility of revision surgery
  • 慢性疼痛
  • Numbness or other changes in skin sensation
  • Skin discoloration 和/or prolonged swelling

在你的咨询过程中解决你可能对并发症的任何担忧. 并发症总是有可能发生的,所以最好提前做好准备,咨询医生. 唐纳森,博士. Sieffert和我们的员工讨论您的具体风险以及如何预防这些风险.

Why Choose 唐纳森 Plastic Surgery?

Dr. Jeffrey 唐纳森 和 Dr. 米歇尔·西弗特对腹部成形术的各个方面都很细致, 他们都被广泛认为是美丽的, 自然的结果. Each expert surgeon spends extra time making the incisions as thin 和 as low as possible so they may be concealed easily. Drs. 唐纳森和西弗特认为,肚脐应该看起来完全正常, with a pleasant vertical indentation 和 no obvious external scar – they actually hide the scar on the inner walls of the naval whenever possible. 我们的外科医生喜欢让侧翼弯曲,突出沙漏形, instead of flattening the sides.

被选为美国最富有同情心的医生之一. 唐纳森的善良和真诚的本性对每个访问他办公室的人来说都是显而易见的. Patients go out of their way to describe their satisfaction with our surgeons’ bedside manner, as well as their surgical skills. 欲了解更多澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网的实践、方法和荣誉的信息,您可以访问我们的网站 About the Plastic Surgeon奖 & 区别.

How Much Does A 腹部除皱 Cost?


平均 cost for a 腹部除皱 in Columbus, Ohio ranges from $8,500 to $14,000. This is dependent on a number of factors, including operating room fees, the amount of fat that is removed throughout the surgery 和 any additional procedures that may help you reach your desired results. 


If you are interested in having a 腹部除皱, 您可以致电我们的办公室或通过我们的表格与我们澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台! A friendly staff member will be happy to answer your preliminary questions 和 set up a consultation.

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